Wednesday 14 November 2007

Autumn at Finca al-manzil

Our view of the sierra peaks just before a recent storm, the photo doesn't really convey the gorgeous light filtering through the storm blue sky. In fact this storm was a rarity this autumn which has been unusually mild with golden days ideal for hikes which were impossible during the heat of the summer. Still discovering new walking paths in the sierra even after 4 years, the most delightful ones at this time of year are through the chestnut woods. Have started lighting our fires but more from habit and to convince ourselves that it is autumn, really not necessary but a good atmosphere for our evenings television at the finca so lighting the fire, clicking on a c.d, cooking a good meal, opening the wine, eating by candlelight (we have electricity! but....) and then feet up for a good read.......mmmm autumn.

New path........
This is one of the recently discovered paths taken just after the storm when everything was fresh and green again, amazing how the grass shoots up with a proper drenching after the long dry summer months. This is a typical sierra path, paved with granite slabs between the winding stone walls of small fincas and olive groves only accessible by foot or 4 hooves. Some of the main routes are from Roman times but mainly from the Moorish era which in this area lasted from the 8th century until the reconquest of Montanchez castle by the Christians in 1230. The paths have been in constant use for at least 1000 years, many of the oldest olive trees have been dated as 1000 years old. Less use in the last century and even less now as the last generation of donkey riders are dying out. One can walk all day and never meet a soul, quite blissful.

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