Monday 22 December 2014


We set off on a misty morning in Montanchez. The mist was still swirling around when we reached Cañamero over one hour later. In fact this added to the mysterious atmosphere of the canyon on the Ruecas river near Cañamero. We started off from the interpretation centre De la Zepa y Valle del Guadarranque, completely deserted and obviously not used for some time, a pity. It's in a fabulous position above the canyon and is a very pleasing modern design built with natural stone,slate and sliding iron doors.
 Spot the Weimaraners....Lottie is not so easy to disguise.
The path down to the gorge is through thick pine woods, later on I collected a big basket of pine cones for pretty and effective fire lighters.

The mist starts to lift and sun shines through.  We made a detour to visit the Cueva Chiquita which has several pre- historic paintings still in good condition

 Down to the Ruecas river again, there is a bridge to the other side where the walk to Guadalupe starts, Ruta de Catarina Catolica. The walk continues until the wall of the dam and back to the interpretation centre.  Very easy walk, a bit too close to the village and a little municipal with all the railings and benches etc. but still impressive nature. Must do the Guadalupe walk one day with more time, it's 13 kms.
Our next stop was in Berzocana, a village below a mighty ridge of the Villuercas, we knew a good spot for Medronho berries and I wanted some for Christmas decorations, so seasonal with the vivid red berries, the wild strawberry tree. Patridge and Quail eat the berries as they drop on the ground, they are already starting to ferment so local hunters have easy pickings with totally sloshed birds tottering around.  The fruit is made into the most divine aquadente .

There is a small botanical garden nearby, sadly neglected, yet another project funded by the EU which has not developed. Lovely iron sculpture at the entrance, now wonderfully rusty.

Time to go home, sun setting rapidly, Winter Solstice! The valley was filling up with mist again, amazing effect, looks like an arctic snowscape. A good thought that the days will get a little longer everyday from now on.

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