Monday 2 November 2015


A sunny day on the 1st of November in between the autumnal showers. We went on one of our favourite walks around the lake at Aldea del Cano where the Arroyo de Zafra has been dammed to create the Embalse de Nogales. Always delightful, especially now with all the green shoots coming up after the rain.

Lottie as usual made a beeline for the water, the Weimaraners are very cautious of cold water.
We went the long way around to take another look at the Visgoth anthropomorphic tombs still above the water line, they have a common east-west orientation, facing towards the east, following the Christian rite in the late-Roman and Visgoth period which in the Iberian Peninsula lasted from approximately AD 409 to AD 711, ending with the Arab conquest.

We relaxed for a while within the magical copse of ancient trees by the lake, such a timeless atmosphere of tranquility.

Sunday 25 October 2015


I Can't believe this was the day before yesterday when we were in Sao Miguel in the Açores (Azores), a parallel world of volcanic hot springs, exotic forests, pineapples and tea plantations TEA PLANTATION surrounded by pristine blue sea........and they make delicious wine too! A veritable paradise only 2 hours from Lisboa.


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