Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts

Wednesday 29 September 2010


This will be an on going report on our somewhat eclectic reading lists, often controlled by what we can get hold of in the wilds of Extremadura occasionally suplemented by swaps or donations from our lovely clients, special treats ordered from Amazon and travel guides and maps brought back from latest travels. A substantial amount of re-reading or dipping into dusty, musty books from parents or even grandparents, also passionate biliophiles in their time.
A quirky American site for the "cruel and unusual" is book whores which is encorporated into where you can find some interesting book lists and images! For reading or copying popular, classic and esoteric books on line the Project Gutenberg is one of my favourites
Desperate for books at the moment, our main source of reading material, the charity shops of the Algarve, had dried up as the daughter moved away from there for a while but good news, she's moving back so my visits will only be ostensibly to see her but really to raid the book shops.
What we have been re-reading is more accurate lately. Lots of Moroccan stuff as we are plotting and planning our Moroccan retreat south of the Atlas mountains. Paul Bowles is always very good in a very detatched manner, almost reportage and mainly about Northern and Middle Morocco rather than the deep South that is our passion.


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